- Cancer: The uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells.
- Capsular contracture: A complication of breast implant surgery which occurs when scar tissue that normally forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant and becomes firm.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome: A condition caused by pressure to the median nerve within the wrist or carpal tunnel causing pain, tingling and numbness.
- Cheiloplasty: Cleft lip repair surgery.
- Cheiloschisis: The scientific term for a cleft lip.
- Chemical peel solutions: Substances that penetrate the skin’s surface to soften irregularities in texture and color.
- Circumferential thigh lift: A surgical procedure to correct sagging of the outer and mid-thigh.
- Cleft: A separation of the upper lip and/or the roof of the mouth.
- Cleft lip: The incomplete formation of the upper lip.
- Cleft palate: The incomplete formation of the roof of the mouth.
- Collagen: A natural protein used as an injectable filler for soft tissue augmentation.
- Columella: Tissue that separates the nostrils.
- Conchal cartilage: The largest and deepest concavity of the external ear.
- Constricted ear: Also called a lop or cup ear, has varying degrees of protrusion, reduced ear circumference, folding or flattening of the upper helical rim, and lowered ear position.
- Contracture: A puckering or pulling together of tissues; a potential side effect of cleft surgery.
- Contractures: Scars that restrict movement due to skin and underlying tissue that pull together during healing and usually occur when there is a large amount of tissue loss, such as after a burn.
- Cryptotia: Also called hidden ear, occurs when the upper rim of the ear is buried beneath a fold of scalp secondary to abnormal folding of the upper ear cartilage toward the head. The folding is the reverse of that commonly seen in the protruding ear.
Plastic surgery nightmares are exploited everywhere. Tabloid magazines, day time talk shows, and late night programs headline botched plastic surgeries every chance they can get.Plastic surgeons know the importance of an informed consent
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